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What You Know Internship Program

The What You Know Internship Program is a 6 month long program that has two teams under the program: a media team and a design team. Heading the media team while my partner heads the design team, we mentor our interns over the course of the program, impart industry skills and practices and prepare them for multiple assessments throughout the internship.


In the media team's syllabus, I progressively introduced different types of shoots, equipment and ways to edit to our interns. We schedule more than 5 shoots, test their application of theory in 2 in-house assessments, and allow them to run official event coverage during the event itself. At the end of the internship, you can trust that our interns are equipped with both technical and practice skills and are ready for the industry.

1. Schermaine and Crystal (2022)


2. Nathania and Alyssa (2023)


3. Krish and Khailyn (2024)


4. Jacy and Zoe (2025)

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